
In every product that AlumiColor makes, durability and longevity are unfailingly present. Made from tempered extruded aluminum, Alumicolor’s drafting tools can retain their superior quality despite rigorous use. These products have also undergone a photo anodizing process that makes their finish, colors, and calibrations permanent and wear-resistant. Without a doubt, Alumicolor products are the best choice of drafting tools for architects, engineers, students, and other drafting professionals.


Rulers and Straight Edges

Rulers can be seen in virtually any setting, but AlumiColor’s rulers never fail to stand out. There are rulers for office use, and there are those made of stainless steel for artists and draftspeople. With photo anodized calibrations in inches and centimeters, these rulers can help anyone accurately measure and draw straight lines.

Those who need to draw perfectly straight lines can rely on AlumiColor’s straight edges. These straight edges will conveniently remain in place because of their non-slip neoprene back surfaces.

With their dual inking and cutting edges, AlumiCutters eliminate the need to change tools when draftspeople have to measure and cut thereafter. For safe cutting, they feature raised edges and finger grooves, which protect fingers from blades. AlumiCutters also have neoprene back surfaces for slip-free cutting or drafting.

Square Rulers

T-squares offer versatility as they can be used for drawing straight lines, guiding triangles and other drafting instruments, and measuring and cutting drywall. That’s why Alumicolor made T-squares to be extremely durable. These T-squares have extruded aluminum blades which can withstand regular cutting and drafting. They also have tough ABS plastic heads, which can firmly grip the edges of the drafting table.

Alumicolor products are not only meant for engineers and architects, but they’re also made for designers. Alumicolor’s L-squares, in particular, can be used by tailors and fashion designers to transfer tape measurements on fabric. Graphic designers can also use this kind of drafting tool to make patterns. Both left- and right-handed users won’t have a difficult time using these L-squares since they’re calibrated on their inner, outer, front, and back edges.


For accurate scale measurements in blueprints and design plans, Alumicolor offers architect scales, engineer scales, and a combination of both scales in one tool. These drafting scales come in various designs, such as solid triangular scales and lightweight hollow scales. Alumicolor has also made 6-inch pocket scales that professionals on the go can easily carry.

Drafting Tubes

Whenever architects, engineers, and artists have to transport their drawings and plans, Alumicolor’s drafting tube will surely come in handy. Its durable aluminum body and screw-on cap can protect its contents from getting wrinkled, torn, or damaged.


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