High Visibility Protective Accessories

We’ve all heard about high visibility outerwear. But how about high visibility protective accessories? Yes, a reflective jacket is useful when it comes to avoiding accidents, but you still need to protect the other parts of your body. These accessories protect the sensitive parts of your body like your eyes and hands from potentially damaging or irritating objects.

Sun Shields Protect Workers From Heat

Sun shields protect workers from the harsh sunlight while working in a construction site. These shields are best suited for outdoor activities, like when project managers walk around a site to oversee the construction process.

Another option for sun protection would be to purchase a high viz cap. This type of cap is also fitted for snowy climates because the hats function as a beacon to alert oncoming vehicles and people of a worker’s presence

Belts For Added Visibility

Don’t have the budget for a full-body high visibility suit? Purchase a reflective belt and strap it around your body to create pseudo reflective apparel. Additionally, a belt can also be slung around bags or tied to your belt loops.

High viz belts aren’t just for your bodies, they can also be tied around broken poles or hazardous areas in a limited-visibility area.

Traffic Management Vests

Being on the road is one thing, directing traffic on the road to make sure it runs smoothly is another. Like working on a construction site, traffic management is easily one of the most dangerous jobs to handle. You have to contend with standing in the middle of the highway amidst large vehicles and fast-moving trucks to ensure traffic runs smoothly. Rain or shine, traffic management workers are expected to be on the road.

It’s important to have apparel such as high visibility vests to make sure you’re seen by oncoming traffic. Drivers in large trucks often have limited visibility, and it’s easy for them to overlook people on the highway. But, if you’re wearing something bright, they’ll see you from a fair distance.

There’s a whole collection of high visibility protective apparel that you can purchase from Engineer Warehouse. Do your part to ensure your safety and your workers’ safety to create a better working environment.

Whether you’re on-site, on the road, or shoveling through the snow, you need to keep yourself safe and seen. Visit Engineer Warehouse today to see the company’s full collection of protective accessories and more.


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