Checklist of Office Equipment for Your Business

Starting a business no doubt requires a lot of effort and expenditure. So we’ve thought of making one task a bit easier for you: a list of essential equipment for your office.

Office equipment refers to your business’s assets that allow your workplace to run. It covers a wide range of items for professional use, and it’s often confused with office supplies.

Office supplies include staples, paper clips, paper, pens, and other small items that an office needs to replenish on a regular basis. On the other hand, bigger purchases used for a longer period of time fall under office equipment.

So without further ado, here are some office equipment examples that you’ll likely need for your business.


They say that a cluttered space is a cluttered mind. While this doesn’t ring true for everyone, clearing up a room does help in improving productivity and organization. Rather than spending time rummaging through messy files, for instance, an organized filing system lets employees instantly find the right document they need.

Mobile Storage Units

For a versatile, space-saving storage solution, you can opt to get a mobile storage unit for the office. This type of container comes with stackable storage bins, which can also work as standalone storage units.

AV Carts

Modern work environments won’t be complete without audiovisual equipment for presentations and meetings, and this kind of technology should be safely stored in the right office equipment: audiovisual carts. These carts typically feature locking doors for added security and built-in electrical outlets for easy setups.

Charging Stations

Apart from audiovisual equipment, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices are essential items for modern office employees. To keep them safe and fully charged, there are various charging cabinets you can choose from. Some charging cabinets and lockers are mobile, so they’re easy to transport to any room in the office.

Paper Machines

While most offices today depend on digital and virtual means, doing analog work is still inevitable, especially for businesses that send out newsletters and letters. Office employees can do such a task more efficiently with the help of various paper handling and finishing machines.

Paper Shredder

But before you get several paper machines for the office, you need to have a machine that’s indispensable in securing information: an office paper shredder. Shredders come in a wide range of sizes and types, so you can easily find the right one that your office needs.

Check Signing Machines

To alleviate the tedious task of manually signing checks for payroll and other applications, a check signer is a pretty handy piece of equipment. It automates signatures on over 200 documents per minute and comes with a key to prevent unauthorized access.

Mailroom Equipment

Besides this, there are lots of office equipment designed for the mailroom. If your office sends out tons of letters, brochures, and flyers, you can buy a paper creasing machine or a paper folder machine to fold materials with the utmost ease and efficiency.

You can also choose to get a mail tabbing machine for sale to seal letters with cost-effective tabs. But if you’re on the receiving end of snail mail, then you should get an automatic letter opening machine. And for print finishing tasks, the best paper joggers can line up 3-inch thick stacks of sheets and clear static electricity.


For better ergonomics and comfort, your office needs to have proper task lighting and sufficient fixtures. Aside from the regular ceiling light panels, some professionals need certain types of lighting sources. Draftspeople and photographers, for instance, can find it easier to accomplish their tasks with light boxes for artists.


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