4 Benefits of Mobile Bin Storage Units

Tidying expert and author Marie Kondo once said, “Clutter is caused by a failure to return things to where they belong. Therefore, storage should reduce the effort needed to put things away, not the effort needed to get them out.” And what easier way to stow stuff away than with a handy dandy, durable mobile bin storage system?

A mobile bin storage system is just what it sounds like: it’s a rack with wheels that contains multiple storage bins. It’s a convenient, inconspicuous, and simple storage solution.

But as a plethora of innovations in storage design have come and gone, why do mobile bin storage units continue to be some of the best modern storage solutions?

Safe and Easy to Transport

Perhaps the most obvious yet important benefit to having a mobile bin storage unit is that it’s mobile. Because it typically comes with four wheels and locking brakes, you can move your stored items from one place to another or keep them stationary and stored in one corner.

Worried about bins falling off? Then be sure to buy a mobile bin storage system with a safety feature that keeps bins sliding off the rack.

Easy to access, easy to transport, a mobile bin storage unit is the answer to the difficult task of decluttering.

Organize and Declutter in Style

A neat freak’s dream come true, mobile bin storage units usually include up to two rows with four to 16 tubs or bins, and every tub comes in 3- to 6-inch deep and can hold up to 20 pounds’ worth of items. Now that’s a sure-fire way of effectively organizing items!

And if that isn’t enough, some mobile bin storage units have bin handles with ticket inserts in which you can put labels. With that feature, you can easily label and identify the items stored in each tub.

Mobile bin storage systems are often designed to be simple yet aesthetically pleasing, so they’re pretty versatile and perfectly suit any interior design.


Did you know that the tubs of mobile bin units are detachable? If so, did you know that they’re also stackable? Just take them off of the rack and place them on top of another—they’ll instantly turn into a completely different storage system!

That’s not all though, a mobile bin storage unit normally comes with a flat top, which not only serves as a part of the rack’s frame but also doubles as a workspace or additional storage space.

If you want these features and more, you have to get one of Luxor’s mobile storage systems.

Lastly, mobile bin storage units aren’t limited to one place or application. Rather, they’re a one-size-fits-all storage solution for the office, home, school, laboratory, and even restaurant.

Sturdy and Long-Lasting

Not all mobile bin storage units are created equal, so you have to get one that has a steel frame and polypropylene bins. In other words, you need to get yourself a sturdy mobile bin storage unit made by the best office furniture brands. That way, you can have peace of mind knowing that what you’re buying will last for a lifetime.


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