Collomix Portable Mixers

With Collomix products, you can “work smarter, not harder.” A powerful mixing solution is the name of the game with Collomix. For over 40 years, the brand has been developing and optimizing German-made mixers to meet the demands of contractors worldwide.

With more machine power, Collomix construction mixers have helped professionals use less muscle power on mixing tasks and spend more time on other jobs. Designed to ease the physical strain on users, these mixers certainly don’t sacrifice quality over comfort and efficiency.

The same goes for the brand’s mobile mixers. If you’re in need of a construction mixer that offers powerful performance and ergonomics, find out what makes Collomix portable mixers the best tools for the job.

Convenient Mobility

Ever carried a full mortar bucket? It’s tiring, to say the least.

So mix materials wherever the job takes you. Pour the mixtures wherever you need to. Collomix mobile automatic mixers feature four large wheels, allowing you to transport materials anywhere on the job site.

Relatively lightweight, these mixers give you an easy time to wheel your mixtures off. Their ergonomically designed handles are comfortable to grasp, push, and pull, reducing the strain on your hands. What’s more, they come with pouring spouts, which allow you to pour out liquid materials exactly where you need them.

No need to bend, carry, or manually lift buckets—Collomix mobile mixers offer an easy one-man operation.


Professionals who frequently mix materials know full well how dirty the job can get. Such a task produces dust and other allergens, making it difficult to breathe.

Luckily, Collomix portable mixers have a half bucket cover and a dust protection feature. This feature even allows a connection for your vacuum cleaner, so you can clean any of these mixers without difficulty.

Fast, Quality Results

Do yourself a favor and get a heavy-duty Collomatic mixer. With high-quality mixing paddles producing high shear force, it prevents lump formations and leaves no residues at the bottom or on the sides of the mixing bucket. Plus, this mixer performs at a speed of up to 660 rotations per minute!

By using a Collomix automatic mixer, you can get the mixing job done three times faster than with a traditional mixing drill.

Simply put, a Collomatic mixer produces consistently residue-free, lump-free mixtures and self-leveling compounds in no time. It’ll no doubt save you time and resources and prevent the need for costly rework.

Wide Range of Mixing Materials

Collomix mixers are designed for virtually any mixing job. Some materials that these mixers can work with are leveling compounds and fillers, colored surfacing materials, liquid plastics, pouring screed, fiber-reinforced fillers, sealants, and colored coatings. When you get a Collomix mobile mixer, it’ll be the only mixing tool you’ll ever need in your life.

Large Mixing Quantities

A Collomix mobile mixer doesn’t only yield fast results—it’s also capable of mixing up to 3 bags’ worth of materials at once. Simply pour 3 bags of materials into its bucket, start mixing, and it’ll give you a perfect mixture in just less than 10 minutes.


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